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About US

The Full Story





It was the summer of 2021 and I had hooked up with my friend Vic and his son-in-law, Sandro Dominelli en route to a game of golf at Castlegar, BC. We got chatting and it turned out  Sandro was both a professional musician and an operator of a recording studio. A month later, I found myself sitting in that studio, guitar in hand, recording a couple of tracks. I wondered what the songs would sound like with a really good vocalist and professional musicians playing with me. Sandro confirmed we could take things to a different level if we went that route. Although I wanted to sing my own songs, I also wanted the music to sound the best it could be. I never regretted that decision.


A few weeks later, another acoustic guitarist, a bass player and a vocalist joined me in the studio to record three songs. Listening to the music  come alive was a joy for me. I subsequently recorded 10 more songs with Sandro at his studio in St. Albert. Those songs made up the album Stepping Stones which you can listen to on this website. 


As I was finishing recording the final tracks with Sandro, the thought came to me; why not give others who have songs that need to be made public the chance to experience the wonder and excitement of seeing their work come alive, just as I had experienced it. It would give session musicians work, give both novice and experienced song writers opportunities to have their music recorded. It would build community and I hoped it would be also be a fun project for myself and Sandro to be part of such a process. That then is how THE FOUNDATION came into being. 


Colm Mac Carthy





My name is Colm Mac Carthy and I was the founder and one of the Directors at THE MAC CARTHY FOUNDATION. I grew up in Dublin Ireland listening to the likes of Bob Dylan, Joan Baez, Joni Mitchell, Simon and Garfunkel, Harry Chapin, Don McLean, and Elton John.


No one in my house played music until I played a little finger style guitar in my late teens and early twenties. Even though I loved the music of finger style guitarists like Stefan Grossman and John Renbourne, my interest in music faded as I got busy with studies in medical school. After several years of working as a physician in Ireland and England, I emigrated to work in rural Canada. I lived in several small rural communities throughout Manitoba and Alberta and my medical career didn't leave me much time for music. In fact I hadn’t touched a guitar for almost 30 years until I picked one up again in early 2019. After several months of banging away on my old Yamaha guitar, I decided it was time to splurge and go out and get a decent one. I headed for Stang's Guitars on 76th Avenue in Edmonton, ready to buy a top end Taylor acoustic guitar. Somehow I left there with a guitar from a small Quebec company called BOUCHER. It's a 12 fret acoustic guitar designed for finger style playing. That guitar sounded so good and I was hooked. 

By early 2020, just as the pandemic was starting, I was playing 2-4 hours of guitar a day and I was starting to write songs. In October 2021, I resigned my position as an Assistant Clinical Professor in Family Medicine at the University of Alberta. I haven’t missed a beat since and I hope to continue writing and enjoying music for years to come. 



THE MAC CARTHY FOUNDATION had offered fully funded opportunities for Solo Songwriters/Singers in the FOLK Genre to have their works professionally recorded, with the intent they be released subsequently to the public. That option is now closed at the Foundation.

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